初心者(Away and preparing...): Take a break...zz...z.z.. | 西門町
waa: 時間決定你會在生命中遇見誰,你的心決定你想要誰出現在你的生命裡,而你的行為決定最後誰能留下。 - Henry David Thoreau
waa: Mi
潔c (◡‿◡✿): Lily Allen Plurk Theme
CeReal's BOX: DSC_0221 拷貝 1.JPG
張小毛: 李康宜
wongkei358: 女人經痛時 [ I'm menstruating ]
PxW & PyW: 黃欽智
Gimi Wu: P1080682
sachavierny: Pain is beautiful
ernest70429: IMG_4537
KK Pandya: Temple of Hope, Burning Man 2006
kaurjmeb: CIMG0834
Gimi Wu: P1080910
Nikkito_arg: The Yellow Door
paoding: web2.0-3
paoding: web2.0-1
Maia C: Tiger at the Detroit Zoo
Edgar Thissen: White Tigers (Panthera Tigris) - 7825
YÁRRET: United Colors of Bidones
$ydney: Colours
maojun: 信息组织 (Information Organization)
maojun: 元数据
Ennor: Bedruthan Sunset_Z7717L
Pixel Packing Mama ~ 40 Million Views: Amur (Siberian) Female Tiger in the Snow, Oregon Zoo, Portland, Oregon ~ Endangered Species ~ EXPLORED