hajlana: Moody...
hajlana: A left over..
hajlana: Without hands..
hajlana: Broken Christmas!
hajlana: Sweet looking eyes...much on her mind..
hajlana: Sad is her moment..
hajlana: Closed...
hajlana: Holding your bag as your closest friend
hajlana: Hiding in the dark
hajlana: I wounder how it must have felt....
hajlana: Jag ser inte klart...
hajlana: Sensuella former
hajlana: Where do I start..
hajlana: Only a shadow of myself
hajlana: Don´t need to tell you the results....
hajlana: #art_emotion #doesithurt#hajlana #halland #iphoneonly#7dagarbilden #ig_halmstad #ig_sweden
hajlana: Moody...blues..
hajlana: Mody blues mood
hajlana: Digital child..
hajlana: Moody..mood
hajlana: It hurts...
hajlana: Daddy,you are so thirsty....