hajlana: Humanity...
hajlana: Visions...
hajlana: Say no to mobbing!!
hajlana: Always looking for glimpses of light...
hajlana: Lean on yourself..
hajlana: Free your inner visions...
hajlana: Being near ...
hajlana: There are many ways of going forward, but only one way of standing still. Franklin D. Roosevelt
hajlana: Run...you can still catch it...
hajlana: Whispering goodness
hajlana: Every person is a God in embryo. Its only desire is to be born. Deepak Chopra
hajlana: Friends are beautiful and important for me...
hajlana: Bring out your piece of heaven....
hajlana: I am seeing you!
hajlana: We live at the same time...
hajlana: Where am I now...there I was..maybe I am living in a dream...
hajlana: We want you...
hajlana: In deep thoughts..
hajlana: Mysterious is life sometimes
hajlana: What are we saying to each other....
hajlana: Sometimes we lose a part of life..someone we love,,,this is for Ronald.
hajlana: Kalsnchats..it is for you my friend..
hajlana: Sincerity...
hajlana: In modern society
hajlana: Compassion....
hajlana: Machines contra nature...
hajlana: Construction at any cost...
hajlana: Happy you waited for me...
hajlana: Pippi långstrump..trädet..
hajlana: Waterinvestigations..