hajlana: Dedicated to Lottan...
hajlana: Magnolia dreaming...
hajlana: Comfort...
hajlana: A real friend is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.
hajlana: Morning love for you my flickr friends!
hajlana: joy...
hajlana: I will try to climb this...
hajlana: Dance
hajlana: Rebirth
hajlana: The future ain't what it used to be. Yogi Berra
hajlana: Open up your heart and let your inner child come out!
hajlana: One of the keys to happiness is a bad memory. -- Rita Mae Brown
hajlana: Reaching for light...dedicated for @ Gmayster01
hajlana: Love is the heart of the soul. -- Robert Paul
hajlana: It gets late early out there. Yogi Berra
hajlana: Serenity...
hajlana: To my beautiful friend Levanah....
hajlana: For Bushra...good energy!
hajlana: Inner feelings...
hajlana: Life has several ways...to survive..
hajlana: I am listening...
hajlana: Choices ....over and over again...
hajlana: Life delight...god morning!
hajlana: Vibes of the flower parfume...
hajlana: Pure...life energy..
hajlana: Windbeauty..
hajlana: Emotions...
hajlana: Shelter...
hajlana: Having a chat..
hajlana: Sun catcher..makes me smile..