Pienso: Manos
Ernesto Santana: #AcampadaLasPalmas 1806'11
__D.A.N.__: A contraluz
__D.A.N.__: Felices
Laura Travels: Lake Tahoe Light
Laura Travels: Evening Mist
Laura Travels: Sedona Golf Resort
Peter Bowers: Sunset and Canoe, French River
Ryan Bill: touchdown...
Ryan Bill: our captain
Dr. Azzacov: The Baths of María de Padilla (2nd Version)
cindyloughridge: picturesque
B'Rob: Once upon a time... in Kinderdijk!
alonsodr: The pursuit
Elena Kalis: Cheshire ?
Elena Kalis: Noche
au tum n.: don't let someone else tell you how to be, well, you. (EXPLORED #1 FP!!!)
Andreas Constantinou Photography: Santorini - Σαντορίνη
cindyloughridge: Somebody has to go polish the stars