achatphoenix: dancing dervishes
achatphoenix: I'm not talking to you
achatphoenix: give me a hug brother
achatphoenix: what's keeping you
achatphoenix: pigeon
achatphoenix: jackdaw
achatphoenix: not so well hidden cam
achatphoenix: Caught On Camera - Candid Camera- trap cam - Wildkamera
achatphoenix: spider net
achatphoenix: the chase is better than the catch
achatphoenix: my place is the best
achatphoenix: just a hedgehogs ghost visiting
achatphoenix: ha !! found an apple !!!
achatphoenix: but MY nut is bigger
achatphoenix: fortunately I am invisible
achatphoenix: the frequent guest
achatphoenix: yum yum, today there is dry muesli
achatphoenix: dinner time
achatphoenix: dinner - in our garden living hedgehog
achatphoenix: guests having a midnight meal
achatphoenix: social gathering