Hlynur.Kr: Steinun Guðný
sssealegs: Annie Waits
kahyinG ♥: photography.
golfpunkgirl: afternoon inflight
Nessy Lanza: Sentir
nevraforever: Sweet Disposition
{JO}: Cradle Mountain Meets the Coast
stateotnation: Sabrina...... Hepburn
Robert Wolterman: Nuclear Lens Flare #3
Nela Spotmatic: Wide Awake in A Dream
Another Lemon: Цамцаа тайл
Photos of Oz: Fingal Head
Sólveig Björg: Wet sunday
***Lucia O'Connor-McCarthy***: 'Alone In India' ANTLER Editorial
Ash Dowie: Diana+ Skegness Ferris Wheel
Viola Cangi: pluies nostalgie
***Lucia O'Connor-McCarthy***: walking in the wrong direction
Kristbjorg!: Up high