E A r c h i v e s: 1802-12-09-Stebbins-John-1
E A r c h i v e s: 1807-01-29-Stebbins-John-to-father-Samuel-Stebbins
E A r c h i v e s: 1827-Stebbins-John-W-Ballston-Water-2
E A r c h i v e s: 1827-03-03-Stebbins-Samuel-Bowery-Theatre-broadside
E A r c h i v e s: 1829-05-03-Stebbins-John-W-to-grandfather-address
E A r c h i v e s: 1829-05-03-Stebbins-John-W-to-grandfather-1of3
E A r c h i v e s: 1829-05-03-Stebbins-John-W-to-grandfather-2of3
E A r c h i v e s: 1829-05-03-Stebbins-John-W-to-grandfather-3of3
E A r c h i v e s: 1831-12-22-Stebbins-John-to-parents
E A r c h i v e s: 1832-11-13-Stebbins-John-to-parents
E A r c h i v e s: 1832-11-13-Stebbins-John-address
E A r c h i v e s: 1832-11-13-Stebbins-John-to-parents-2
E A r c h i v e s: 1834-05-31-Stebbins-John-Last-Will-and-Testament
E A r c h i v e s: 1834-09-17-Stebbins-Maria-to-sister-Sarah-brother-Johns-death
E A r c h i v e s: 1807-01-29-Stebbins-John-to-father-Samuel-Stebbins address
E A r c h i v e s: Emma Stebbins from HAC Sr collection
E A r c h i v e s: Unknown women after tennis
E A r c h i v e s: HAC Sr with friends location unknown
E A r c h i v e s: Unknown location
E A r c h i v e s: Location unknown
E A r c h i v e s: Location unknown
E A r c h i v e s: SenDixonPlace
E A r c h i v e s: Hartford CT tear down
E A r c h i v e s: Hartford, CT
E A r c h i v e s: Hartford, CT Bushnell Park
E A r c h i v e s: Old Sen. Dixon place
E A r c h i v e s: Francis Stilwell Dixon Jr.
E A r c h i v e s: Grandchildren of Francis Stilwell Dixon and Wm Corcoran Welling
E A r c h i v e s: Francis Stilwell Dixon Jr.
E A r c h i v e s: Francis Stilwell Dixon, artist circa 1915