habibmi: Publication/Data Linking Matrix
habibmi: Scholarly Identity Matrix
habibmi: Scholarly Identity 2.0 Concept Model
habibmi: Research 2.0 Concept Model
habibmi: Michael C. Habib Headshot
habibmi: Michael Habib headshot
habibmi: Michael Habib profile photo
habibmi: michael habib profile photo
habibmi: mchabib habibmi
habibmi: Hot on Twitter Zoom
habibmi: Hot on Twitter on SlideShare
habibmi: 2collabsocialmediasurveyexpectedusage
habibmi: 2collabsocialmediasurveycurrentusage
habibmi: Shusher Article #2 in Technorati News
habibmi: Hipper Crowd of Librarians - Most E-Mailed, 5th Most Blogged
habibmi: Graduation headshot
habibmi: Photo-op with Dean Griffiths
habibmi: Receiving my hood
habibmi: Dr. Irene Owens giving the commencement address
habibmi: Victory Lap
habibmi: Procession to our seats
habibmi: Nathan and his parents
habibmi: Me and Nathan
habibmi: Group photo on the steps of Wilson 1
habibmi: Group photo on the steps of Wilson 2
habibmi: Group photo on the steps of Wilson 3
habibmi: Group photo on the steps of Wilson 4
habibmi: Group photo on the steps of Wilson 5
habibmi: Victory Lap
habibmi: Library 2.0 Brainstorming Chart