rio en medio - Jose On/Off: Mariposa - iphiclides podalirius feisthamelii
Massimo Pelagagge: Onde di terra
tomraven: A Different Point of View
Wayne Fox Photography: Stonehenge Equinox
My Baby Mia: ~ Two Heads and Six Legs - LifeTime Friendship from My Way of Seeing ~
carlo tardani: La prima luce del mattino - The first light morning
foje64: Церковь Воскрешения Лазаря (The Church of the Resurrection of Lazarus)
Viaggiatrice71: Monaco motorizzato
respiraelviento: namibia 17
mirakingat: triomf triomfant!!! ;) Tuareg with your dromedary, Festival au Dessert, Essakane (January 2008)
Kazi Ashraful Alam: Can I Play with Madness ?
aerferaer: The toy of my childhood
Francesco [francepics]: bye bye Sunday
alberto cmos: laghetto in veste autunnale
_J_D_R_: downtownIndyStatues
_JED_JR_: Smooth Water
FaP ;-): Underground
Toi-Vido: Landakirkja
gerhard.rasi: Pfarrkirche Heilig Kreuz Neuhausen #5
Glockenblume: A wonderful day in autumn
León Felipe Guevara Chávez: Celestial Gathering (Color)
antonio.muralha: HDR Furnas
happiehippie50: Happy Harvest ....
nep000: The Mascot
RRG .CA: Mallard on a mission
RRG .CA: Wood Duck