Haasan Zaidi:
198 Hasan (A_S) name calligraphed in Hagia Sophia - a cathedral of Constantinople times (1200AD), later
Haasan Zaidi:
199 Istanbul - the visit without the Turkish Dance forms is surely incomplete
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200 The Blue Mosque, Istanbul_ ceiling at the entrance_ The mosque is known so because of blue tiles sur
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203 Well fed and flourishing pigeons
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204 Pigeons (and cats) are everywhere_ Shoa even came and told me that the country be called _Cat Countr
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205 Blue Mosque with Mosaics on the windows
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206 A painting of Hagia Sophia_it still looks same except that the prayer carpets have been removed to e
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207 the Mother Mary Mosiac inlay recovered from under the plasters
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208 The dome of Blue Mosque
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209 the lamps in Hagia Sophia_ beautiful
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210 Night at Bosphorus Strait, world's narrowest strait used for international navigation_ the strait di
Haasan Zaidi:
211 Dinner at Galata Tower - a tower built in 1348_ now houses a wonderful restaurant which serves tradi
Haasan Zaidi:
212 the light that lights the lighthouse (Galata Towers)
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213 Belly Dancing_ a dance form almost synonymous with Istanbul however not a traditional dance form for
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214 color, rhythm, music and motion
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Haasan Zaidi:
Haasan Zaidi:
Haasan Zaidi:
218 Minar of Blue Mosque_ the staircase are in such spiral that if three people start for three balconie
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219 Shoa at Blue Mosque Corridors - Spontaneous Sufism
Haasan Zaidi:
220 The Tower at Hippodrome (built first in 203AD) as a place for horse racing and other sports_ with a
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221 new window in an old building _) like old wine in a new bottle_ lols_ awesome architecture
Haasan Zaidi:
222 Old world architecture has always been my fascination_ Istanbul was alluring
Haasan Zaidi:
223 I thought after Nairobi, I would not find flowers so beautiful elsewhere_ I found them in Istanbul_
Haasan Zaidi:
225 Shoa and another cat in her _Cat Country
Haasan Zaidi:
226 Smitten by the Simit (Turkish bread)
Haasan Zaidi:
227 The carvings at Hippodrome, worlds oldest Sports Stadium _) portraying the kings with his family enj
Haasan Zaidi:
228 Rosted Chestnuts, similar to Indian Peanuts, being sold on every nook and corner_ yum
Haasan Zaidi:
229 Couldn't understand the name of this sweet_ but the way of preparing this was awesome_ one after ano
Haasan Zaidi:
230 every evening this restaurant, atop Galata Tower, is a house full with never less than 5-6 nationali