beth h.: Bonaventura Berlinghieri, Altarpiece of St. Francis, c. 1235 (Church of San Francesco, Pescia, Italy)
beth h.: Jamb sculptures, on the portal of the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Chartres, c.1145
beth h.: Justinian and His Attendants, Mosaic, San Vitale, Ravenna, c. 547
beth h.: Cimabue
beth h.: "Interior of the Arena Chapel" "with frescos by Giotto"
beth h.: Giotto, Lamentation
beth h.: Scrovegni donating the chapel to the Virgin Mary
beth h.: Team 1
beth h.: At the Dresden Gallery in Second Life wearing an Opus Device from Acoustiguide
beth h.: Forum, Rome
beth h.: The Forum in Rome
beth h.: Arch of Titus
beth h.: Forum, Rome
beth h.: Palatine Hill, Rome
beth h.: Arch of Constantine, Rome
beth h.: Borromini, Sant Andrea Al Quirinal, Rome
beth h.: Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome
beth h.: School of Raphael, Room of Constantine, Vatican Museums
beth h.: School of Raphael, Room of Constantine, Vatican Museums
beth h.: School of Raphael, Room of Constantine, Vatican Museums
beth h.: School of Raphael, Room of Constantine, Vatican Museums
beth h.: Vatican Museums
beth h.: In San Pietro in Vincoli, Rome
beth h.: In San Pietro in Vincoli, Rome
beth h.: Michelangelo, Moses, Tomb of Pope Julius II, San Pietro in Vincoli, Rome
beth h.: Michelangelo, Moses, Tomb of Pope Julius II, San Pietro in Vincoli, Rome
beth h.: Michelangelo, Tomb of Pope Julius II, San Pietro in Vincoli, Rome
beth h.: Michelangelo, Tomb of Pope Julius II, San Pietro in Vincoli, Rome
beth h.: Michelangelo, Tomb of Pope Julius II, San Pietro in Vincoli, Rome
beth h.: Michelangelo, Tomb of Pope Julius II, San Pietro in Vincoli, Rome