Fiber of All Sorts: While I didn't birth her...shes mine, all mine. ❤
Fiber of All Sorts: What does May hail bring again?
Fiber of All Sorts: #daisy I need some flowers in my life
Fiber of All Sorts: Our newest addition putting on his cute cat looks. He's harnessed and has a leash on while we figure out how exactly this two cat family will work. His name is currently Malcolm (*Firefly)
Fiber of All Sorts: The joys of spring! George O'Malley is a very happy cat.
Fiber of All Sorts: Glorious weekend sewing
Fiber of All Sorts: Supervisor extraordinaire
Fiber of All Sorts: Someone asked what I do for fun. Recently, I've been unable to come near my sewing room. But tonight somehow I mustered up my creative energy. Pattern by @meadowmistdesigns Color inspiration from friends like @sewbittersweetdesigns & @orchidowlquilts . Be
Fiber of All Sorts: A new display area in my sewing room. #imaquilter #sewmorestressless
Fiber of All Sorts: Vacation = knitting #drachenfelsshawl kit from craftsy while watching a craftsy class on quilt binding. I think stay-cations are amazing
Fiber of All Sorts: Last time you terrible store! #hatewalhell
Fiber of All Sorts: Organization yippee. Some of these totes are full of 'nearly finished' projects. I may have a problem #imaquilter
Fiber of All Sorts: @sewbittersweetdesigns #widrn #startofmyvacay #mentalhealth
Fiber of All Sorts: I'm digging my dual ended seam ripper and stiletto made by the big hearted @shelleybrooksquilts Sew more stress less!! #sewmorestressless
Fiber of All Sorts: After months of not might be a good time to check over all stitches I lay down. Ahhhh I need patience.
Fiber of All Sorts: Quilt in the house!!! Thank you @sewbittersweetdesigns for speedy and magnificent quilting on one of my first quilts done as a quilt-along #postagestampqal
Fiber of All Sorts: Hair by @thespeakeasysalon
Fiber of All Sorts: I'm put back together. Thank you @thespeakeasysalon
Fiber of All Sorts: Tidying stage 1.
Fiber of All Sorts: Such a lovely day in John Day, Oregon
Fiber of All Sorts: Beautiful John Day Oregon
Fiber of All Sorts: I got my hair cut and colored by the amazing @thespeakeasysalon
Fiber of All Sorts: Merry Christmas to me. I adore my new wine rack made by a local talented woodworker.
Fiber of All Sorts: Reclaiming quilting area in progress
Fiber of All Sorts: I might have been a wee bit obsessed with Arial in high school. A perfect covering for the wound my dermatologist gave me today. No I'm not getting old.
Fiber of All Sorts: #dogoodstitches #aspirecircle Jan - 2nd color pallet
Fiber of All Sorts: #dogoodstitches #aspirecircle color pallet #1
Fiber of All Sorts: Yeah what @sewbittersweetdesigns said! #ALYoF