frater gymnos: struggling with the complexities of a [monastic] [contemplative] [incarnational] call. 2008.04.13.A.04
frater gymnos: DSCN0736
frater gymnos: The Archangel Michael, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain
frater gymnos: The Archangel Michael, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain
frater gymnos: The Archangel Michael, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain
frater gymnos: The Archangel Michael, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain
frater gymnos: The Archangel Michael, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain
frater gymnos: DSCN0958
frater gymnos: DSCN0909
frater gymnos: The Archangel Michael, Princeton University
frater gymnos: The Archangel Michael, Princeton University
frater gymnos: The Archangel Michael, Princeton University
frater gymnos: The Archangel Michael, Princeton University
frater gymnos: The Archangel Michael, Princeton University
frater gymnos: The Archangel Michael, Princeton University
frater gymnos: st. francis...
frater gymnos: koi pond with lotus
frater gymnos: Christ crucified sculpture (in progress)
frater gymnos: JC Self-Pic 2007-001
frater gymnos: JC Self-Pic 2007-002
frater gymnos: JC Self-Pic 2007-003
frater gymnos: JC Self-Pic 2007-004
frater gymnos: Grounds-for-Sculpture-Apr06-67
frater gymnos: Grounds-for-Sculpture-Apr06-66
frater gymnos: Grounds-for-Sculpture-Apr06-65
frater gymnos: Grounds-for-Sculpture-Apr06-64
frater gymnos: Grounds-for-Sculpture-Apr06-63
frater gymnos: Grounds-for-Sculpture-Apr06-62
frater gymnos: Grounds-for-Sculpture-Apr06-61
frater gymnos: Grounds-for-Sculpture-Apr06-60