Gwylan: Verbascum nigrum. Pannog Dywyll. Dark Mullein.
Gwylan: Prospero autumnale. (Scilla autumnalis). Seren Hydref. Autumn Squill.
Gwylan: Prospero autumnale. (Scilla autumnalis). Seren Hydref. Autumn Squill.
Gwylan: Lavatera arborea. Hocys Coediog. Tree Mallow.
Gwylan: Erodium labelii? Sticky Storksbill?
Gwylan: Llydaw.
Gwylan: Menhir de la vierge - Kerscaven. Penmarch, Llydaw.
Gwylan: Himanthalia elongata. Gwymon Lledr. Thongweed.
Gwylan: Himanthalia elongata. Gwymon Lledr. Thongweed.
Gwylan: Codium sp. Gwymon Pengrwn, Corn Melfed. Velvet Horn.
Gwylan: Luidia ciliaris. Seren Fôr Seithenyn. Seven Armed Starfish.
Gwylan: Saccorhiza polyschides. Pleth y Môr. Furbelows
Gwylan: Epitonium clathrus. Cragen Risiog. Wentletrap.
Gwylan: Cochlicella acuta. Pointed Snail.
Gwylan: Cochlicella acuta. Pointed Snail.
Gwylan: Ysgyfarnog. Brown Hare.
Gwylan: They say the sea is cold, but the sea contains the hottest blood of all, and the wildest, the most urgent.
Gwylan: Clavelina lepadiformis. Chwistrell Wydr. Light Bulb Sea-Squirt.
Gwylan: Daucus carota. Nyth Aderyn, Moron Gwyllt. Wild Carrot, Queen Anne's Lace.
Gwylan: Seashore beetle? Help with id. if you can.
Gwylan: Centaurea scabiosa. Pencaled Mawr. Greater Knapweed. White petals on this one.
Gwylan: Centaurium erythraea. Canri. Centaury.
Gwylan: Porcellana platycheles. Cranc Porslen Blewog. Broad Clawed Porcelain Crab.
Gwylan: Plantago maritima. Llyriad y Môr. Sea Plantain.
Gwylan: Nasturtium officinale. Berwr Dŵr. Water Cress.
Gwylan: Syntrichia ruraliformis. Mwsog Serennog Euraidd. Golden Dune Moss.
Gwylan: Syntrichia ruraliformis. Mwsog Serennog Euraidd. Golden Dune Moss.
Gwylan: Centaurea scabiosa. Pencaled Mawr. Greater Knapweed.
Gwylan: Centaurea scabiosa. Pencaled Mawr. Greater Knapweed.
Gwylan: Centaurea scabiosa. Pencaled Mawr. Greater Knapweed.