john Leggs: Now rare Bumble Bee
john Leggs: Spotlight
john Leggs: Little Green Dragon
john Leggs: Bug in a bud
john Leggs: 00new06as
john Leggs: 00new07ssa
john Leggs: Turnstones
john Leggs: Y Foryd Eto
john Leggs: Take Off
john Leggs: Hawthorn Berry
john Leggs: In The Red
john Leggs: Sparrow (scruffy)
john Leggs: Woody Nightshade, (Solanum dulcamara)
john Leggs: Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe)
john Leggs: Small white / Pieris rapae
john Leggs: B Bee
john Leggs: Sparrow Beauty
john Leggs: Speckled Wood
john Leggs: Y Foryd ar Eifl.
john Leggs: Rock Pipit
john Leggs: dandyPss
john Leggs: Beautiful demoiselle
john Leggs: Pellucid Fly (Volucella pellucens)
john Leggs: Green Fly with Cantharis Rufa
john Leggs: Hover Fly
john Leggs: Comma
john Leggs: Near Takeoff
john Leggs: Small world
john Leggs: Got my eyes on you!
john Leggs: Fly 1