Karlo B: Gypsies stories
Maria Sol 1978: IMG-20120910-WA0003
jaime.silva: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina - trg Oslobođenja
Sandra Djurbuzovic: deep breath
samuela_conti: PA080631
Sandra Djurbuzovic: I'm gonna miss u
hidden side: Bronzo Cartagena
Sandra Djurbuzovic: make love!
fran_atopos: Birth out of a mermaid
Sandra Djurbuzovic: Temptation or Rijeka Crnojevića, Skadar Lake, Montenegro; Ријека Црнојевића, Скадарско језеро, Црна Гора
Sandra Djurbuzovic: Write as you speak and read as it is written
Margaridices: T-shirt Fado
Sandra Djurbuzovic: if the girl wants to find her prince, she has to kiss so many frogs...
fran_atopos: Burek on Vimeo by Fran Atopos Conte
Sandra Djurbuzovic: Sveti Djordje i Gospa od skrpjela- Boka, Crna Gora ~ St. George & Our Lady of the Rocks, Boka Bay, Montenegro
madamepsychosis: cause of death: drowned in her sorrows
Cinzia M. Hibrido: Aparecida (SP)
Sandra Djurbuzovic: XLVI + one long day
madamepsychosis: you scratch me, you make me bleed - yet you keep running into my veins
Sandra Djurbuzovic: my winter beauty
Sandra Djurbuzovic: happy SNOW to budva!
madamepsychosis: Theory of Ghosts