Brick Knight: Tregatis VI Mining Operation-1
andhe :-): League of Lego Heroes Advent Calendar 2016
andhe :-): Day 13 - League of Lego Heroes Advent Calendar
andhe :-): Day 5 - League of Lego Heroes Advent Calendar
ZCerberus: Spacebase, Spacebase, SPACEBASE!
stephann001: TrainC
Xenomurphy: The Elder Scrolls Online – Stonefalls 02
paddybricksplitter: Day Of The Triffids
Max_Stav: The surface of the Cube
Xenomurphy: LEGO fir tree building instructions 2
Xenomurphy: LEGO fir tree building instructions 1
stephann001: ClassicSpaceOutpost
Grant Davis.: Mountain Village Raid
gambort: Because MATHS
AK_Brickster: LC12 Collaborative Parade
Gary^The^Procrastinator: Rewards and Regrets, Lenfald LC8 Entry
THEDONALD13: Assault on Havenhill
polywen: WhineColor
eilonwy77: Curved Wall Technique