SlowPathsImages: Gokarna-Main Beach
SlowPathsImages: The village
Joao de Barros: Salzedas (Portugal)
alexstoddard: You only live twice.
tehhanlin: Kebun Bawang - Shallot Plantation
gerben more: Amsterdam
Mark Fearnley Photography: Monk in Hua Lamphong station
Gulfu: Before it rains
@RobCollins: Pottery kiln
@RobCollins: Sunset
André Carrilho's Sketch Blog: Church of the Imaculate Conception
[LL]: The world is a ball - part 3
Laurent Goldstein: Out of Sundays Dancing
Yug_and_her: Caught in the Net of Life
rAmmoRRison: Transparent mind!!!
arnabchat: religious harmony | Kolkata
lecercle: How can you be in Calcutta and not take a picture of the Howrah Bridge.
Anna Pagnacco: Woman in black
helveticaneue: a long way down
Arnthor: Red Lady
bekon: Adventures in Oral Hygiene