Thomas Shahan: Male Jumping Spider (Hypaeus benignus?) - Cayo District, Belize
karolis janulis: date | pasimatymas
Penescu Marius: Closing time Open all the doors and let you out into the world
Thomas Shahan: Calopteryx aequabilis Jewelwing Damselfly - Smith Rock, Oregon
Penescu Marius: I'm gone and you can't do nothing
linden.g: May Beetle
Gibbom: When the Wind Blows
'liene': DSC_0828
Angeline Goh: Towards the Sun
Alexandr Tikki: Meet, his name is Koks. Translated, it means cocaine
Alexandr Tikki: Harry Potters dog
Alexandr Tikki: double f*ck you
Alexandr Tikki: Nooo!!((
Alexandr Tikki: Portraits of nature
Alexandr Tikki: Our tiny planet
Gibbom: Obscured
Thomas Shahan: Female Agapostemon sp. Sweat Bee - Oregon
 David.Keochkerian : The beginning or the end
Lesy83: Light Painting
Chistikov: Zuiko OM 28/2.8 @f2.8
karolis janulis: traffic | eismas
kulucphr: SDIM0027
sparth: autres oiseaux
Lesy83: Summer Energy