P¡l¡: BCN hippie
Marco Cassé: Pattern umano 04
the purl bee: Charley Harper Needlepoint!
Whipped Bakeshop: Patterned Cookie Collection
mag *: Un vals a mil tiempos
mag *: árbol
David Kozlowski: Dallas Architecture Windows Building Angles Geometrical Form Distortion Abstracts 28977
Federico Long: " Ventanas Nevadas ", (Buenos Aires 2007)
itzinush: Les premières neiges /Fragment/
Sandra_R: Passing by [Music is Everywhere (Part II)]
MaiKoh: Coolest Car in the World
MaiKoh: La puerta blanca
vonvonvon: Back To The Future
gwilmore: Artificial flowers
PINYPON: corralito_pinypon1
Marcos Dopico: Fanta en Casa Guillermina (Bulnes)
hello naomi: robot cupcakes swapped around
hello naomi: build a ROBOT cupcakes!
imomus: scarves