Chris-Creations: Beach Beauty
Chris-Creations: Sunshine
Chris-Creations: Beautiful Mei
*ALLA*: Views of the fishing village and the Kaliningrad Cathedral
i cook my meals daily: #300119 #almoço #bife de costela grelhado, batata doce cozida e vinagrete de cebola #lunch #grilled rib steak, cooked sweet porto and onions salad
Chris-Creations: Mei, Christmas Day
Chris-Creations: 20060730_048
Chris-Creations: Ponytail
dominotic: 2018 Sydney: Lemon Meringue Tart
dominotic: 2018 Sydney: Crispy Rice Noodles with vegetables and chicken
Dianne Latimer: The tree
Sjaak Kempe: 20181118 18 Zelfportret
Ruth.A: Acabo de ver con mi chica en el cine Bohemian Rapsody. Preciosa y emocionante! Just left to see Bohemian Rhapsody. Very beautiful and exciting!
davide photography: Mole d'autunno
Laura Adani: pane e pomodoro web-9338
manolor13: Puerta de la Catedral de Sevilla
davide photography: Provenza 2 (stessa location luce diversa)
davide photography: Campi sterminati di lavanda
davide photography: Un mare di Lavanda
davide photography: Papaveri al sole
davide photography: Fiori di campo