2005 - 2009: We got this VIP room. A couple of Homosensuals came about Sarah, and decided to touch her sides, for: luck.
2005 - 2009: Eventually, as time went by; we all went and hit the floor.
2005 - 2009: This one beautiful, homosensual, on the right, had that big boner for Sarah, but had Flacid for my Camera.
2005 - 2009: As I love: Falling Apart Shirts. I believe that they; are the key to success in any night that, you, should desire: sexuala genitaila.
2005 - 2009: Lake Placid.
2005 - 2009: A long time ago; we all went to a bar. It was on a Tuesday = Homosensual Night
2005 - 2009: Sarah ran. I did not run, I hurried ahead via, a segway that I just bought. I am cruising the streets like an alien now.
2005 - 2009: I, immediately had to come in and go about; getting near: a falling-apart-shirt.
2005 - 2009: Sarah's shit was falling apart, as though it were like some-one's shirt that is falling off, due to it falling off.
2005 - 2009: Eventually, a Satan appeared. We had to leave. All that were there: did not want us to go.
2005 - 2009: Sure enough, a beautiful, and magical: homosensual, decided to come in and correct the, falling apart shirt. I was dis-satisfied.
2005 - 2009: But once again the shit, became the shirt; the falling apart shirt. My directions were clear: leave.
2005 - 2009: Others, came and took: alot of enjoyment out of it for me.
2005 - 2009: Finally, we had gotten ourselves, outside. Sarah decided to have her cigarette first; it was: a mistake cigarette: vicks vapo-rub.
2005 - 2009: It was really cool, we danced and danced; the drinks were just a dollar ( with tip, it would be two ( dollars ) ). We enjoyed the dancing.
2005 - 2009: When we went inside, they asked if we were going to pay them to come in. We told them: Yes. As we wanted pizza, and felt it appropriate to go about paying a tarp.