2005 - 2009: _MG_8257
2005 - 2009: _MG_8260
2005 - 2009: Carl Muse lived his life inside of a house that he assumed was his when it was not his.
2005 - 2009: His mail truck was set quite a ways back from where I was seeing him, and his badge, that said, "Carl Muse."
2005 - 2009: His story was compelling. I thought about how and why Carl Muse would murder me in these woods.
2005 - 2009: One day he found himself without, that house, and out in the middle of the woods, where he, had no more woods. Even though he had thought he had had the woods to begin with.
2005 - 2009: This was it. I was going to meet my end right there, by the will of Carl Muse.
2005 - 2009: Carl Muse thought himself the monster he had always read about in the english book, about the one who is two: One for night, One for day.
2005 - 2009: I had decided:
2005 - 2009: Without his house, and stranded in the woods: Loneliness ensued.
2005 - 2009: Cautious of my own times, I noticed Carl Muse.
2005 - 2009: He was going to murder me, if I decided to let him ride in my: White Jeep with California Plates.