2005 - 2009: christmans all over again, except this time with poison
2005 - 2009: i had a party at my house again
2005 - 2009: we went outside
2005 - 2009: eliza needed a wheelchair, cause she faked poisoning
2005 - 2009: she started crying
2005 - 2009: hugh started sliding
2005 - 2009: eliza caught on fire
2005 - 2009: hugh played pokemon
2005 - 2009: hugh went to hell and came back
2005 - 2009: she danced like a stranger
2005 - 2009: brendan cried in my face
2005 - 2009: someone was talking to me for too long
2005 - 2009: jen gave all of us cookies
2005 - 2009: brendan pretended that he was touched inapropriately
2005 - 2009: taylor used all my ice
2005 - 2009: ryan hit is nose
2005 - 2009: maia smiled
2005 - 2009: eliza put poison is someone's drink
2005 - 2009: brendan got mysteriously poisoned
2005 - 2009: ethan laughed at the poisoning
2005 - 2009: jen showed a sad face
2005 - 2009: maia thought she knew who the poisoner was
2005 - 2009: it wasn't taylor