seier+seier: carlo scarpa, architect: IUAV main gate, venice 1966-1972. built 1985
ekiselev: microverse
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Ceramic Chargefree SE-image
Tony Digital Art: Forest Hymn
ekiselev: sputniks
ekiselev: Wisdom
_Booka B_: 11.19.07_4
OfHouses: Giuseppe Perugini, Raynaldo Perugini and Uga de Plaisant /// Casa Sperimentale /// Fregene, Rome, Italy /// 1968-1971
OfHouses: Angelo Invernizzi /// Villa Girasole /// Marcellise, Italy /// 1935
OfHouses: Angelo Invernizzi /// Villa Girasole /// Marcellise, Italy /// 1935
OfHouses: Angelo Invernizzi /// Villa Girasole /// Marcellise, Italy /// 1935
OfHouses: Giuseppe Perugini, Raynaldo Perugini and Uga de Plaisant /// Casa Sperimentale /// Fregene, Rome, Italy /// 1968-1971
mtchl: disc_315
hanneorla: Roland de Jong Orlando 'Off the Wall', 2009, MADI Art Museum and Gallery, Dallas
hanneorla: Joao Carlos Galvao '3 dimensional white', 2009, MADI Art Museum and Gallery, Dallas
EatWorld: 1010_ColabGalerie
Ilya_Slak: Илья
Ilya_Slak: Escapism. 2015. #Slak #ilyaslak #aes #aesthetics #graffiti #postgraffiti #escapism #grey #blue #abstract
MWM Graphics: Shadovvs.
MWM Graphics: Shadovvs.
C a s e y C r i p e: Design Fiction 001
C a s e y C r i p e: Energy/Matter ( v.2.2 )
catarina.berg: Ceramic creation
_ElijahPorter: 'Burst' tile by Rough Front for KAZA Concrete
Xavier de Jauréguiberry: iglesia paroquial de San Miguel Arcángel, Cadreita (Tudela)
wakiiii: FORMER YAMAMURA HOUSE: Frank Lloyd Wright, Arata Endo, Ashiya, Hyogo, 1924
seier+seier: andré bloc, sculpture-habitacle 3, la tour, meudon, paris, france 1966