T.D. Ford (Grundlepuck): Seattle Celebrates the Seahawk's Superbowl Win
T.D. Ford (Grundlepuck): Seattle Celebrates Super Bowl Win in Pioneer Square
T.D. Ford (Grundlepuck): Seattle Celebrates Superbowl Win
T.D. Ford (Grundlepuck): IMG_9334_edited-1
T.D. Ford (Grundlepuck): IMG_9215_edited-1
T.D. Ford (Grundlepuck): IMG_9175_edited-1
T.D. Ford (Grundlepuck): IMG_9173_edited-1
T.D. Ford (Grundlepuck): IMG_9146_edited-1
T.D. Ford (Grundlepuck): IMG_9318_edited-1
T.D. Ford (Grundlepuck): The Viaduct Apocalypse Commences
T.D. Ford (Grundlepuck): Fading in the Mist
T.D. Ford (Grundlepuck): Walking the Viaduct
T.D. Ford (Grundlepuck): A Sign of Times Gone By
T.D. Ford (Grundlepuck): Seattle Occupiers
T.D. Ford (Grundlepuck): Love At Occupy Seattle
T.D. Ford (Grundlepuck): The Tents Go Up at Occupy Seattle
T.D. Ford (Grundlepuck): Occupy Seattle Protestors
T.D. Ford (Grundlepuck): Occupy Seattle
T.D. Ford (Grundlepuck): Occupy Seattle
T.D. Ford (Grundlepuck): Occupy Spookshop
T.D. Ford (Grundlepuck): "Hug Humanity" at Occupy Seattle
T.D. Ford (Grundlepuck): Lady Liberty at Occupy Seattle
T.D. Ford (Grundlepuck): If Not Us, Who? If Not Now, When?
T.D. Ford (Grundlepuck): The Future Has Arrived