barraban: Cap al ser
Sara Scirè: Cranes
micmol : that's a pretty winding road
micmol : Canals are frozen in Amsterdam
micmol : Skating the canals, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
micmol : Red and green valley
barraban: monja-nonne
Bastian.K: Ferry
d.vanderperre: Amritsar, Punjab 2023 Temporale in arrivo. Storm is coming.
barraban: Ombra de passatge - 2 On Explore ⭐️ November 15, 2023! Sunrise portrait
manuela albanese: Pano_EllisIsland
barraban: ombra de passatge
micmol : Fishing boat sailing toward the open sea, Kerkennah Islands, Tunisia.
micmol : Acacus desert, Algeria
barraban: Passatge
Ozzy Delaney: Ryanair Boeing 737 Shadow
Zaporogo: Francia 2023
ambabheg: 2023 (challenge No. 3 - old unpublished pics) - Day 256 - Black and white, Agios Prokopios beach, Naxos, Greece, 2011
Sara Scirè: Ancestrale
micmol : Schynige Platte Railway - is featured in Travel Photography Adventures in Analog Times, photobook
micmol : Under the Harbour Bridge, Sydney, Australia Dall'oscurità verso il sole! From the darkness into the sun! Un angolo di paradiso in terra! A little piece of heaven on earth! The boats take sail under her protection! On Explore ⭐️ July 31, 2023!
小川 Ogawasan: voyageur coréen - 한국인 여행자