Dr.NC: Wasp
劉耀仁: Waiting for someone who loves me.
Ted_Roger_Karson: Box-Elder Bug DSCF6003
劉耀仁: Ageratum houstonianum.
劉耀仁: Good morning.
劉耀仁: Belongs to you.
劉耀仁: Beauty of today.
劉耀仁: The one.
劉耀仁: I love this moment.
劉耀仁: Queen of today.
劉耀仁: Beautiful for you all.
Dr.NC: domestic fly
劉耀仁: I am still beautiful.
劉耀仁: Rose.
Dr.NC: Fruit Fly
Dr.NC: Hibiscus Flower
劉耀仁: Beautiful rose.
Ted_Roger_Karson: Brown Marmorated Stink Bug DSCF5938
劉耀仁: I love this color.....
劉耀仁: Balloon flower.
Dr.NC: Scarlet Dragonfly (Crocothemis erythraea )
劉耀仁: Silence...
Ted_Roger_Karson: Moving or Walking Western Conifer Seed Bug DSCF5923
Dr.NC: Tiny snail on a flower