ev7894231: LSD blotter
jdyf333: Ziploc bags of kale
jdyf333: Scary Idiot Zeitgeist
jdyf333: High Nine
jdyf333: another INSANE republican
jdyf333: Take Me to the River
jdyf333: "it's my dream and i'll trip if i want to"
jdyf333: Bobming trial
jdyf333: Her Spell
jdyf333: The Alleged "Cook"
jdyf333: they say i am crazy
jdyf333: Some Trippy Visual Details
jdyf333: bubbles
jdyf333: Doodle Monster
jdyf333: Here is the Proof of Where we are NOW
jdyf333: 10 Milligram THC "Orange Zest"-flavored sublingual tablet
jdyf333: "Dose Vedanye"
jdyf333: What's on your mind?
Tyler Merbler: Man's Best Friend
Tyler Merbler: Carhenge
halastjarna: the moon from earth
halastjarna: getting late
halastjarna: burning
halastjarna: hook moon
jdyf333: "Reefer Madness"
jdyf333: Some Marijuana Is Purple
jdyf333: "AND?"
jdyf333: Extraterrestrial Vehicles Prepare To Sin