dannyhennesy: LEGO Classic Castle: the corpse of the Mad Monk makes a public speech in front of the divided capitals parliament square while Prince Albert rides past and witness the spectacle tipped by the Americans ( AFOL toy hobby knights saga medieval town )
blue royal lion: Vikings clan
Panicus1981: LEGO FANTASY - one-minifig ballistas
-soccerkid6: Ancient Knowledge
dannyhennesy: LEGO classic castle: again peace rules the northen kingdoms of the frozen hinterlands from the Thule towers the icy steps and in the winter palace throne room with the holy throne sealed off and a multi ethnic squadron of eight guarding the seat of power
Lego_Bart: Arimont castle
-soccerkid6: Sweetest Moments
TomStuds: Another WIP! - looking much better now
dannyhennesy: Lego Classic Castle: new mini faction enters the medieval world in the besieged divided capital of the alliance and are retconned in to the story by the narrator and minifigure god ( me ) (AFOL vignette lego dark ages MOC
Bryckland: The Grand Tower
TomStuds: WIP - yes, another tower and I hope I'm not scrapping this one
dannyhennesy: LEGO classic castle: Nestor tells the saga of the kingdom to Young squire Jimmy son of Dave while a ballistic catapult boulder crashes through the roof and the see their squashed comrade Falco the fell wing slowly pass away in pain and agony (AFOL MOC)
dannyhennesy: LEGO classic castle: the Native americans in the palace is getting accustomed to the European ways while the Queen and the Mage-king enters to compete of the favour of their new immigrant geuest ( AFOL MOC with medieval and western minifigures ) toy hob
davide7582: In piazza è arrivato il Pane Fresco!
dannyhennesy: LEGO classic castle: prince Albert almost falls through the abyssal cracked floor while talking o His mage ( toy hobby photography AFOL MOC )
davide7582: Puntare,mirare,scoccare!!
davide7582: È iniziato l’ happy hour!
davide7582: …finita la giornata è ora di recuperare le forze…
CASTOR-TROY: Witch house BDP4
Soveyy: The Moldy Tome
frogglish: Vikings
dannyhennesy: LEGO Classic Castle: acrobatics the jester troupe swings above the medieval rooftops as practice while talking theatric gossips and emotions ( minifigures Afol vignette Moc city buildings and hobby photography )
Cab ~: Little Castles
Sleepless Night Bricks: The Siege of Bricklink
Sleepless Night Bricks: The Siege of Bricklink
Tomasz Bartoszek: In the World of Fairy Tales
-LittleJohn: Katoren Trading Post
-soccerkid6: Nordheim Lumberyard
aurorabricks: Elmire's Couture House