LilyBeth86: Besties
otogno: Astrid - 29 de Abril - 5 meses - Dia del Animal
LilyBeth86: Wilbur and Ellie
Samy Collazo: Fotografía Callejera (Street Photography)
m1s13k: Head
LilyBeth86: Ellie
arpad_mtl: ...& cold dog
LilyBeth86: Wilbur and Ellie
SteveH1972: Groot
SteveH1972: groot
SteveH1972: Groot
SteveH1972: Groot
Alligator427.67: La clope au bec...
SteveH1972: Groot
SteveH1972: Groot
Alligator427.67: Alaska et son admiratrice
Wales and beyond: Canine portrait
bett_atherton: keep your eye on the ball
johnbell18 (3M views): Estancia Nibepo Aike
m1s13k: Doggie