Dela Quiz: Is he just a friend or something more ?
Dela Quiz: How ghostly are you?
Dela Quiz: Are you a morning or evening girl?
Dela Quiz: Are you an angel?
Dela Quiz: Am I a good girl and honest with yourself and others?
Dela Quiz: Does your ex-boyfriend want you back?
Dela Quiz: Trying to put together your best look this year?
Dela Quiz: Do you have a great sense of the fashion world?
Dela Quiz: how photogenic are you filter?
Dela Quiz: Do you feel betrayed by your husband?
austexican718: Mom and Daughter
hot-air-balloon: During halftime festivities, President Macron had Prime Minister Boris Johnson do his famous juggling act. The culminating bit involved detonating a pin to render a spectacular thermonuclear explosion right there on the conference table.
hot-air-balloon: Sometimes, when you’re having a bad day, even the statues have one up on you!
hot-air-balloon: Discerning Patrons of the Arts.
hot-air-balloon: Two American millennials staged an impromptu two-day climate change sit-in near The Bank of England. They never 'banked' on London's frequent rains and found themselves planted in a puddle, thereby contracting a serious case of trench butt.
hot-air-balloon: The relentless dynamic of bullying.
hot-air-balloon: Seeing Paris by Conestoga Wagon.... The pièce de résistance in grand city touring.
hot-air-balloon: Right-sized!
hot-air-balloon: It was love at first sight. Then, she removed her mask.
austexican718: Ruby-throats on the Move
austexican718: Ruby-throats on the Move
Bright Expression: 311-heavenandhell
photolibrarian: Cartoon, Doctor, Work, Hand-Out, 1910s
photolibrarian: Romance, Funny, Comic, Young Ladies, Young Man
photolibrarian: Cartoon, Seaside Pleasure, Father, Kids, Baby Buggy
photolibrarian: Cartoon, Frustrated Hunter, Gun, Wild Animal, Bad Shot
austexican718: Bad Hombre Behind Bars
austexican718: Backyard Bandit
austexican718: Rhinestone Jedi