custombase: The Death Note
custombase: An apple a day
custombase: Hmmm and so it begins
custombase: He's got Shinigami eyes
custombase: Death Note
custombase: I think I dropped something
Andy Clamp: Misa Amane - Pullip Melissa
CarmieCat: Birthday card for my boyfriend based on the anime, "Death Note". ☺️
custombase: Death note poster
custombase: Yes you
custombase: It's not Goth it's Shinigami
custombase: Looking for Misa
custombase: It's for you
custombase: Flaming L
custombase: Ya got apples?
custombase: Shinigami
custombase: Always watching
custombase: From the fire
custombase: It's ringing
custombase: Applicious
custombase: Hmm humans are so interesting
custombase: Death note RYUK
custombase: It's rude to point, unless you are REM
custombase: Death note REM
custombase: Dropping off a note
custombase: I love apples
custombase: Feeling spikey