creaturesnapper: Four-spotted Cranefly --- Nephrotoma quadrifaria
creaturesnapper: Hoverfly --- Helophilus pendulus
strjustin: Fly Hiding From Me 4-23-24
Xx7trey: Carolina Mantis (Stagmomantis carolina)
Abigail K Kenney: LADYBIRDS
Abigail K Kenney: LADYBIRDS
creaturesnapper: Knotgrass Leaf Beetle --- Chrysolina polita
creaturesnapper: Scorpion Fly--- Panorpa sp
creaturesnapper: Hoverfly --- Dasysyrphus albostriatus
Abigail K Kenney: LADYBIRD LOVE 2
strjustin: Cute Little Brookside Jumper 5-20-22
strjustin: Handsome Bold Jumper 4-23-24
Abigail K Kenney: SPIDER'S DINNER 3
marlon.aguero.vargas: Heliconius erato and heliconius charithonia
strjustin: Ugly Caterpillar 4-23-24
marlon.aguero.vargas: Caligo eurilochus
marlon.aguero.vargas: Heliconius Sapho with its wings closed
marlon.aguero.vargas: heliconius erato
marlon.aguero.vargas: A resilient Morpho Peleides
marlon.aguero.vargas: Heliconius Sapho
strjustin: Small Jumper Eating Smaller Spider 4-23-24
Xx7trey: Northeastern Hammertail (Efferia aestuans)
creaturesnapper: Sawfly --- Euura sp ( female )
strjustin: Fred 2-27-24
Jez Taylor Photography: Green tiger beetle
clear_eyed_man: Little Brother
creaturesnapper: Furrow Orbweaver -- Lariniodes sp , possibly --L . patagiatus
strjustin: First Jumper of '24