Lucas de Ciria: Jacana (Jacana jacana)
Tux_35: Ragondin - Myocastor coypus
Tux_35: Ragondin - Myocastor coypus
kodl68: forest appointment
Anita.Wi: Smack kiss 💋
Lucas de Ciria: Tacuarita azul ♀️ Masked Gnatcatcher (Polioptila dumicola)
Tux_35: Ishnure élégante - Ishnure elegans
roba66: SÜDAFRIKA( South-Africa), Wanderung am St. Blaize Trail bei Mossel Bay , Fauna, Echse , 22562
roba66: SÜDAFRIKA( South-Africa), Oudtshoorn, Serie- auf der Straußenfarm (Ostrich Farm), The protagonists of the ostrich farm introduce themselves again. Not birds of paradise, but funny and snappy fellows. . 22683
ardeth.carlson: All this for small fry!
ardeth.carlson: All this for small fry!
Norbert Kaiser: farbenfroher Sauberling
Norbert Kaiser: Kopf hoch und Brust raus!
Cryscythe: NightVision
SpitMcGee: _first sunbath
Nathan Dunne: GREEN AND BLACK POISON DART FROG. 'Dendrobates auratus'.
danniepolley: Dumaguete, PH
danniepolley: Cebu, PH Sangai Deer
StewartMFC: Ring-necked pheasant
palomomensajero: 2023 Asturias
Lucas de Ciria: Ciervo Colorado (Cervus elaphus)
Mandenno photography: Western lowland gorilla - Burgers Zoo
caro-jon-son: Taking it easy
carrchef: Brown bear eating apples. Arefu Romania.