sweirsweir: past year New Regulars Mas
sweirsweir: Iceland Chic?
sweirsweir: guitar guru
sweirsweir: Einstein has a beer, coffee drinking Kaldi too
sweirsweir: graffiti or urban art?
threejumps: A babe in the hand is worth a bird in the...
threejumps: Old Athens
sweirsweir: mystery singer in the mist
Da Vynci Gilon: Maison Kirsch
threejumps: Herculaneum Bridge, Liverpool.
Lo.Re.79: Teddy Claus
sweirsweir: mural of an Icelandic mermaid, me thinks
sweirsweir: Heavy Stone Fears No Weather
sweirsweir: Goat Island
threejumps: Kat urbex
Lo.Re.79: The lost herring factory.
Lo.Re.79: The lost herring factory.
Lo.Re.79: The lost herring factory.
Lo.Re.79: The lost herring factory.
sweirsweir: 2018 MAMMÚT performance 2021 mash-up
sweirsweir: wooden fish
Lo.Re.79: Chemiewerk Rüdersdorf
Lo.Re.79: Chemiewerk Rüdersdorf
threejumps: Bubbles
Lo.Re.79: Château de Vadencourt
sweirsweir: The blur from Down Under
sweirsweir: Back Alley Rubber Ducky Assault
sweirsweir: baby ears protection for the years
threejumps: Woman in Doorway
threejumps: Swan Meadows, Abergavenny