karl_esl: Hualien
Chorngyeh: DSCF0562
JoeCollver: Ready to roll
Chorngyeh: 001665260022
Chorngyeh: 7N9A6764
Chorngyeh: 7N9A6762
Chorngyeh: 7N9A6768
JoeCollver: Shoufeng pastoral
JoeCollver: Yuli panorama
JoeCollver: Sun in the valley
JoeCollver: Sun rays, bird flocks, and humidity
JoeCollver: Flooding the rice paddy
JoeCollver: Rows of rice stalks
JoeCollver: Matai'an river
JoeCollver: Fuyuan river at the end of the day
JoeCollver: Bike friendly footbridge
JoeCollver: Matai'an river
JoeCollver: Tombs in the field
JoeCollver: Footbridge symmetry
JoeCollver: Wuhe plateau in the distance
JoeCollver: Protecting the pineapples
JoeCollver: Last look back at Fuyuan National Park
JoeCollver: Looking back towards Fuyuan
JoeCollver: Pineapple fields in the morning
JoeCollver: Tiger head creek under Tiger head mountain (1747m)
JoeCollver: A row of papaya trees
JoeCollver: Bird's nest fern on the side of a rock
JoeCollver: Elementary school tile messaging
JoeCollver: Areca palm trees reflect on a rice paddy
JoeCollver: Transmission tower