PhilBee NZ (social historian): Oamaru: Steampunk (17)
PhilBee NZ (social historian): West Coast: Old Stafford Cemetery (7)
raymond_zoller: Бывшее село - Former village
Pascal Rey PhotogrAphies: "The Innocents" Jack Clayton.
Pascal Rey PhotogrAphies: A ne pas vouloir faire de vagues, la tempête dans un verre d'eau déborde...
dl109: Sculpture
PhilBee NZ (social historian): Siem Reap, Cambodia: Pub Street (3)
Pascal Rey PhotogrAphies: Love with an alien...
Pascal Rey PhotogrAphies: "La métamorphose" Franz Kafka.
PhilBee NZ (social historian): Cambodia: Angkor Wat (33)
Pascal Rey PhotogrAphies: "Croc-Blanc" Jack LONDON
Pascal Rey PhotogrAphies: Sous le pont des Lônes après l'ondée...
PhilBee NZ (social historian): Marking time in Mercer (2)
Pascal Rey PhotogrAphies: Lucifera, celle qui porte le feu au coeur du Système...
PhilBee NZ (social historian): Siem Reap, Cambodia: Palm Container Night Market (3)
PhilBee NZ (social historian): Siem Reap, Cambodia: Palm Container Night Market (2)
PhilBee NZ (social historian): Siem Reap, Cambodia: Palm Container Night Market (1)
dl109: Restaurant
dl109: Restaurant
dl109: Canjo Players
dl109: Canjo Players
dl109: Canjo Player
dl109: Artwork
Pascal Rey PhotogrAphies: Sunshine !!!
Pascal Rey PhotogrAphies: Lady of the dragon.
Pascal Rey PhotogrAphies: Merry Xmas Dino!
adamkmyers: Bank repurposed as an Irish Bar
dl109: Tractor and Trailers
dl109: Hay