PhilBee NZ (social historian): Taupo: Orakei Korako (12)
PhilBee NZ (social historian): Taupo: Orakei Korako (11)
PhilBee NZ (social historian): Banks Peninsula: Rapaki Wharf (c.1916) (3)
PhilBee NZ (social historian): Does size REALLY matter?
PhilBee NZ (social historian): Central Otago: Gibbston Valley concert 2024 (11)
PhilBee NZ (social historian): 2023 LVV Replica Ford Popular (1)
PhilBee NZ (social historian): Central Otago: Gibbston Valley concert 2024 (10)
PhilBee NZ (social historian): 1960 Buick Le Sabre
PhilBee NZ (social historian): Bay of Plenty: Ohiwa Beach
PhilBee NZ (social historian): Wanganui: St Paul's Anglican, Putiki (c.1937) (2)
PhilBee NZ (social historian): Vietnam: Hoi An (99)
PhilBee NZ (social historian): Vietnam: Tam Thanh (19)
PhilBee NZ (social historian): Vietnam: Hoi An (98)
PhilBee NZ (social historian): Vietnam: Hoi An (97)
PhilBee NZ (social historian): Vietnam: Ha Long Bay (9)
PhilBee NZ (social historian): Vietnam: My Son ruins (6)
PhilBee NZ (social historian): Auckland traffic-stop
PhilBee NZ (social historian): Auckland: 4012 - the Da Vinci code...? (2)
PhilBee NZ (social historian): Sculptureum, Matakana (9)
PhilBee NZ (social historian): ZK-THG Piper PA46 Malibu (c.2005) (2)
PhilBee NZ (social historian): Rotorua: The Bath House/Museum (c.1908) (1)
PhilBee NZ (social historian): Bay of Plenty from Ohiwa
PhilBee NZ (social historian): Jackson Bay: crayfish salad
PhilBee NZ (social historian): Pioneer Cemetery, Jackson Bay: one of the lonely graves (2)
PhilBee NZ (social historian): En route to Jackson Bay
PhilBee NZ (social historian): New Zealand fur seal (2)
PhilBee NZ (social historian): Kaikoura: Harmon’s Motor Museum & Bernie’s Diner (3)
PhilBee NZ (social historian): B18359 China Airlines Airbus A330 (c.2012) (2)