BudCat14/Ross: THE PIRATE (1948)
BudCat14/Ross: Judy GARLAND & Gene Kelly
CARE for Sandy: peresu_midlandbeach_20130407_016_cr_CFSv1_st_splice_hori
veritate: Gene Kelly Autographed Portrait
Kaleb Higgins: Gene Kelly
villagauda: Marvel Super Special Xanadu (1980) - 63
Profound Whatever: Gene Kelly
Mig_R: Gene Kelly & Judy Garland
Mysterben: Gene Kelly 4
Mysterben: Gene Kelly 3
Mysterben: Gene Kelly 2
Mysterben: Mr Kelly
Mysterben: Vespa
BudCat14/Ross: SCREENLAND (May 1948) - The PIRATE - Judy GARLAND, Gene KELLY
BudCat14/Ross: January 1950
disneyphilip: Take%20Me%20Out%20To%20The%20Ball%20Game%20movie%20poster
miportillo: ^Hongo mi Portillo^^^^^^^^^^^^
disneyphilip: SummerStocklg
Lost in Scotland: Fred Kelly in his studio in Johnstown, PA (5)
NE55Y: An American in Paris
jeffq: Gene Kelly Statue at Prince Music Theater
Clare A was W: Gene Kelly handprints at Mann's Chinese Theatre, Hollywood
Clare A was W: Old home of Gene Kelly
neshachan: RCA Video Disc Player