vteacher: Köy ekmeği
vteacher: Ekmek..
happypainting: Fresh Bread, Oil Painting
kochtopf: WBD After Hours Party - Mini-Honig-Vollkornbrote
Le Petrin: Pumpkin Bread w/ pumpkin seeds 1/5
kochtopf: world bread day'08 - cream crumbs & cumin bread
kochtopf: world bread day'08 - cream crumbs & cumin bread - slice
apple@1977: Seed Bread
apple@1977: Seed Bread
Rosa's Yummy Yums: Cuchaule Brioche
azp74: Naan
Paola Sersante: Pan co' Santi III
Paola Sersante: Pan co' Santi
Youngtatter: Khorason Bread
Sefa Firdaus: Banana-Almond and Sultana Bread 2
Sefa Firdaus: Banana-Almond and Sultana Bread 3
Sefa Firdaus: Banana-Almond and Sultana Bread 1
columbusfoodie: Peach Streusel Muffin Outside
columbusfoodie: Peach Streusel Muffin Inside
stickygooeychef: Nutella-Pistachio Brioche
stickygooeychef: Nutella-Pistachio Brioche
stickygooeychef: Nutella-Pistachio Brioche
stickygooeychef: Nutella-Pistachio Brioche
Suzana @ [Gourmets Amadores]: Whole Wheat Milk Bread with Raisins
Suzana @ [Gourmets Amadores]: Whole Wheat Milk Bread with Raisins
fugzu: calzoni farciti
nicisme: panini roll 5019 R
nicisme: panini roll 5027 R
TRASHFOOD's photos: torta di pane raffermo
cyborgsuzy: IMG_2264