designwallah: GROW
duncan cumming: NORMALLY
duncan cumming: Notorious
smallcurio: the
smallcurio: what
smallcurio: and
designwallah: COIN
J.G. Park: I've been away.
duncan cumming: Naughty, Gorey, Jersey
duncan cumming: Vintage, Gorey, Jersey
PTR: Stadsbeest
PTR: Stadsbeest
janeland: A21821 / annie street
designwallah: A Canadian Brick
duncan cumming: Epitome
designwallah: LINE
PTR: it usually is
janeland: A21137 / union square
janeland: A21256 / giftyesque with extra texture
designwallah: King for a second
duncan cumming: "Drama"
duncan cumming: Scary, Eine graffiti, Shoreditch
duncan cumming: Atoms graffiti
duncan cumming: Humanity
designwallah: 196 - The (Rex)