ellafaye52: IMG_3716
ellafaye52: IMG_3848
Barrie J Brown CPAGB: Scottish Wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris)
Barrie J Brown CPAGB: Hairy-footed Flower Bee (Anthophora plumipes), male
Verde River: IMG_0009
irio.jyske: Last ice
kirstiecat: Little Wonders
jimw7: DSC_6614
Each Moment the Universe: Black-Bellied Whistling Duck
Each Moment the Universe: Passiflora Incarnata
Tom Ramsey: Red-winged Blackbird Calling
Verde River: IMG_0020
Verde River: IMG_0050
Each Moment the Universe: Carpenter Bee on a Passionflower
irio.jyske: Nature art
Verde River: IMG_0045
Verde River: IMG_0005
Fairwx Fotos: IMGP1899
Fairwx Fotos: IMGP1891-2
Fairwx Fotos: IMGP1888-2
Fairwx Fotos: IMGP1887-Edit
Fairwx Fotos: _IMG7886
Each Moment the Universe: Common Yellowthroat Warbler
Verde River: IMG_0002
Barrie J Brown CPAGB: Doris Longwing (Heliconius Doris), under wing view
Steenjep: On the move
Steenjep: Having fun