mzihizlk10: The good, the bad, and the ugly?
mzihizlk10: Sandstone and sunshine
Chief Bwana: The Windmill at Little Reservoir
mzihizlk10: The Big "W"
mzihizlk10: Alien world?
mzihizlk10: Dusk in the desert
Chief Bwana: Quaking Aspen Tank: Not White Pocket #8
mzihizlk10: Sandstone abstract
mzihizlk10: Navajo Sandstone at its best
mzihizlk10: Entrance to the Wave
Albert Wirtz @ Landscape and Nature Photography: *Coyote Buttes South @ rock patterns*
mzihizlk10: The boneyard in black and white
mzihizlk10: Day's end
mzihizlk10: Teepees
mzihizlk10: Shipwrecked
mzihizlk10: Sandstone art 190 million years in the making
mzihizlk10: Teepees
mzihizlk10: Surf of stone
mzihizlk10: What happened?
mzihizlk10: Order and chaos in the Navajo Sandstone
mzihizlk10: Hogwarts' sorting hat
mzihizlk10: The "swirl" in monochrome
mzihizlk10: Beyond the brain rock
mzihizlk10: Passageway
mzihizlk10: Melody Arch
mzihizlk10: Fire breathing dragon
mzihizlk10: The way to the window
mzihizlk10: View of the Wave from Top Rock
mzihizlk10: Alien World
mzihizlk10: Sandstone oddity