spongepuppy: Taurine and Beta Alanine
spongepuppy: Taurine Beta Alanine Fire
spongepuppy: Munch's Christmas Tree
spelio: View up into the trees by looking down into the pool
spongepuppy: Taurine and Beta Alanine
spongepuppy: Taurine and Beta Alanine
spongepuppy: Taurine and Beta Alanine
spongepuppy: Taurine and Beta Alanine
spongepuppy: Taurine and Beta Alanine
spongepuppy: Taurine and Beta Alanine
spongepuppy: Green Torrents
spongepuppy: Tetsuooo
spongepuppy: Taurine and Beta Alanine in polarized light
spelio: Australia
spelio: Useful carabiners and clips to secure your keys.
aleksandra_p: Many Spears
spelio: Beetle tracks and vehicle tracks in the fine sand
aleksandra_p: In the shadows
spelio: The Big O at the Sydney Vivid 2013
spelio: we hope the rain follows the chain
spelio: Stair railings clip from Library shot
spelio: Steps & stainless steel rising
spelio: A work of art for a mailbox
spelio: Hermit crab track in the sand
spelio: Another great shape at the entrance to the NMA
spelio: lights and more lights in the Atrium
spelio: Some great shapes angles and holes at the NMA
spelio: Map of our Dreams through a hole NMA
spelio: Quick cuppa at the NMA Canberra
spelio: not sure where to crop these great shapes