spelio: Outback verandah
spelio: The old homestead at Millstream
spelio: "Deeargee" Woolshed shearing shed
spelio: We head for home past the Smiths Rd shearing shed
spelio: Corrugated iron mangle
spelio: Wheelbarrow garden at Calvary
spelio: Corrugated cow in Calvary native garden
spelio: Detail of the Deeargee Shearing Shed
spelio: Corrugated buildings
spelio: Fading corrugated iron roof
spelio: Old movie theatre and blue car
spelio: Corrugated iron roof in Hall NSW
phunnyfotos: Rupanyup VIC
spelio: Approaching the shearing sheds
spelio: Mulligans Flat shearing shed inside pano by SONY video cam!
spelio: Zoom in the coruugated iron shed
spelio: DSCN1261 whir of the zoom lens
spelio: Mulligans Flat Shearing shed 2
spelio: Mulligans Flat Shearing shed DSCN1248
spelio: Corrugated iron
phunnyfotos: Alfred Nicholas Memorial Gardens
sculptorli: parallèle
spelio: Old Hospital at Hill End
phunnyfotos: Sea Lake
spelio: grabbing a shot as we pass some old ruins
spelio: driveby shot of cute house for sale
phunnyfotos: Minyip VIC
phunnyfotos: Shearing Shed
phunnyfotos: Behind the bathing box
spelio: Steel chooks on a fence beside the gate!