Patrick.Raymond (11M views): Atèle varié, 09
Patrick.Raymond (11M views): Atèle varié, 08
Patrick.Raymond (11M views): Atèle varié, 07
Patrick.Raymond (11M views): Atèle varié, 06
Patrick.Raymond (11M views): Atèle varié, 05
Patrick.Raymond (11M views): Atèle varié, 04
Patrick.Raymond (11M views): Atèle varié, 03
vedebe: A quoi penses-tu ? / What are you thinking about?
vedebe: ;-))
vedebe: Surprise! ;-)
Patrick.Raymond (11M views): Atèle varié, 02
Patrick.Raymond (11M views): Atèle varié, 01
vedebe: Cache-cache / Hide and seek...
vedebe: En Camargue, tout ce qui est noir dans un pré n'est pas forcément taureau!! / In Camargue, not everything black in a meadow is a bull!!
Thilo Sengupta: Eidechse
Thilo Sengupta: Weinbergschnecke
vedebe: Bientôt gris... / Soon to be grey...
earthdog: Moving
vedebe: On en discute? / Can we talk about it?
earthdog: April 24: Goats
Patrick.Raymond (11M views): Guépard Asie, B&W, 07