Athazen: Mallard Ducks 6106
Athazen: Mallard Duck 5837
Athazen: Mallard Duck 5833
Athazen: Mallard Duck 5765
kim.p.hunt: Mandarin Duck
Stuart Schaefer Photography: Black-headed Seagull
aptyche: Blaumeise
Henk Laverman: Black-winged Stilt, Steltkluut
Luke6876: Little Pied Cormorant
JLS@Photos: Portrait, Western Capercaillie, Grand Tétras
mark.overwijk: Bluethroat in the reeds of Lauwersmeer
michafink: Graureiher auf der Pirsch - Grey heron on the prowl
wargriff64: Virginia rail and chick
wargriff64: Bald eagle
wargriff64: Bald eagle
wargriff64: Bald eagle
wargriff64: Bald eagle
wargriff64: Song sparrow
wargriff64: Bald eagle
wargriff64: American robin
wargriff64: Varied thrush
stevebfotos: Sashimi for breakfast...
randyherring: Elegance on Water: The Northern Pintail
Max Van Horne: bushtit
silvaindemunck: Liuitle egret
newfoundlander61: Owlets Preening
holgerreinert: Cuckoo in flight
alainfrere34: Guifette moustac Chlidonias hybrida - Whiskered Tern