me*voilà: magical morning
Mel Gray: Zebra queue_DSC9389
Mel Gray: Zebra highkey_DSC3158
Mel Gray: Baby zebra_IMG4085
Mel Gray: Quelea en masse_IMG7168
dick.hoskins: Surprise surprise!!
dick.hoskins: Young lady rhino
dick.hoskins: Jackal
dick.hoskins: Elephant jousting
Mel Gray: Elebath_DSF3199
Mel Gray: Ele bath_DSF3204
Mel Gray: Elephant bath_DSC6806
Mel Gray: Ele bath_DSC6805
Mel Gray: Ele bath_DSC6802
Mel Gray: Ele bath_DSC6801
Mel Gray: Ele bath_DSC6771
Mel Gray: Ele bath_DSC6769
Mel Gray: Ele bath_DSC6768
Mel Gray: Ele bath_DSC6643
Mel Gray: Ele mudbath_DSC6607
Mel Gray: Waterhole activity_DSF3206
Mel Gray: Elephant at the waterhole_DSF3205
Mel Gray: Eles dominating the waterhole_DSF3201
Mel Gray: Elephant departing waterhole_DSF3200
Mel Gray: Eles bathing in the waterhole_DSF3197
Mel Gray: Elephant at the waterhole_DSF3196
Mel Gray: Ele heaven_DSF3191
Mel Gray: Waterhole to myself_DSC6841
Mel Gray: Making way for the eles_DSC6838
Mel Gray: Cheetah on the prowl_IMG6706